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Suspended Ceilings

Suspended Ceilings

Quality Suspended Ceilings for Your Melbourne Office

Suspended ceilings are a great way to improve the look and feel of your office space, and they can also help with noise reduction and insulation. At Applied Interiors, we have a team of experienced professionals who can help you choose the right type of suspended ceiling for your needs and install it quickly and efficiently.

There are many benefits to choosing our team at Applied Interiors for your suspended ceiling needs. First, we have a vast amount of experience in the field and can help you choose the right type of ceiling for your office space. Second, we use high-quality materials and products that are designed to last. And third, we offer competitive prices on all of our services.

Good buildings come from good people and all problems are solved by good design. – Stephen Gardiner

There are many different types of suspended ceilings available on the market today, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision. However, some of the most popular options include aluminum grid systems, Acoustical tile ceilings, Gypsum board ceilings, and Fiberglass reinforced plastic ceilings. At Applied Interiors, we have experience installing all of these types of ceilings, so you can be confident that you’re getting the best possible service.

The major benefits of installing a suspended ceiling

Fire safety is always an incredibly important factor, therefore ceiling tiles made from mineral fibres or fire-rated wood panels are always used within the construction to meet acceptable public standards. These same panels can provide the required additional resistance to meet the ‘time rating’ needed for various fire codes, commercial, city ordinance, or other similar building construction regulations.

Suspended ceilings can also be an effective way to hide any unsightly wires or pipes that may be running across the ceiling. By concealing these items, suspended ceilings can help to create a neater and more polished look for any space.

Get in touch

We’re always on hand to discuss what we can provide to improve your workspace. Get in touch and tell us what you need – we’ll be happy to show you how we can make it happen.